
Atlantis is in the Persian Gulf

The Begin of Human Civilisation and its relation to the Atlantis History of Platon

The ancestors of modern humans developed ca. 60-70 thousand years ago in East-Africa, and in this region an agglutinating language is still spoken (Swahili). Our ancestors migrated to Eurasia after this period. This period (time between 70 000 and 15 000 years) was an Ice-age especially in Eurasia. Areas above 400 m was not suitable for life, because of ice and snow cover. Therefore, humans could migrate to lands at low altitudes and near to equator. Additionally, water resource was to take in account, because at that time water carrier equipment, such as pottery, was unknown.

Under those restrictions human accumulation was possible on very restricted regions. Those regions are shown at the map.

The most suitable environment is the area indicated as “Atlantis plane”, because during ice-age, sea level was 130m lowered end the Persian Gulf was a land area.
The sea was completely towed from the Persian Gulf. Only a small lake was to see near the Hormuz straight, due to Dubai - Bender-e-Lengeh threshold. This vast plain was watered by Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Conditions mentioned above impose that human civilization must have get its start at this part of the world, and archaeological data support this view, as indicated by the figure of Braidwood 1995:
As shown at map above, first human settlements occurs at fertile crescent. 

Genetic DNA analysis conducted with today's technology provides precise information about where today's people's ancestors appeared in the world, where they migrated (Sahakyan et al 2017, Shinde et al 2019, Narasimhan et al 2019). According to this information, the ancestors of modern humans appeared in Africa about 60-70 thousand years ago and spread around the world from there. The first settlement point in Asia appears to be South-West Asia, which is listed on the map with a "red" line.
Where this first settlement and development point in South-West-Asia is, has always remained a question mark, because the subject has been limited to archaeological excavations, and geological information has not been taken into account.
Which geological information was not considered, that will shed light on this issue?
Braidwood (1995) also stresses that the first socialization should have been somewhere in South-West Asia, about 12,000 years ago, according to archaeological data. In South-West Asia, there is only one unexcavated area, which is the area under the Persian Gulf.

Archaeological data show that a society called the Sumerians appeared around Basra about 6,500 years ago and established 5,500 years ago urbanizations in places that were shown in the map.
Sumerians are also very important as a society that finds the first-writings, and they have left very important documents describing their history with cuneiform writing on clay tablets. These cuneiform-written tablets indicate that they came from the sea to two river countries (Mesopotamia)" (Ceram 1972))
From which sea could the Sumerians come to Basra coast? From the Persian Gulf!
Since the Sumerians couldn't live under the sea, was the Persian Gulf once a terrestrial area?.
In the late 1980s, when I was following archaeological researches, Brentjes's research ,(1981), "Völker am Euphrat und Tigris", I saw a map showing the result of the Meteor research vessel indicating that the Persian Gulf had was a terrestrial area before 15,000 years  ago.

In the late 1980s, I saw a map of Brentjes's (1981), "Völker am Euphrat und Tigris".  Research carried by the Meteor research vessel showed that the Persian Gulf had become completely a terrestrial area 15,000 years ago. When I saw this, there was a lightning bolt in my brain:
Atlantis: The Lost Country!
I immediately tried to get Platon's information about Atlantis. The data was in full compliance with the events that may have occurred on this plain during the glacial-era and after the glacial age. Afterwards, the following article appeared:
Gedik, İ., 1992: Atlantis: Where is the legendary sunken city? Have it a connection with the Turks? Cumhuriyet Science Technical, issue 285, p.8-10, Istanbul.
Just in those years, a renowned archaeologist, Eberhard Zangger saying Atlantis was in Troy. So I wrote to him that Atlantis must be on the plain between Basra and Hormuz for geological reasons, and not around Troy.
What do you think he answered? 
He wrote in a letter. "Yes, I know that it can't be in Troy, but if I write like that, we have a better chance of getting financial support,"
Since then, I have been constantly trying to establish more arguments relating the subject of Atlantis.
The Gedik (1992) article is in complete accordance with international publication traditions.
In this respect  let me inform you on the subject of "international publications."
1)-The publication may have been made in any language used in the written press around the world.
2)- It is imperative that it must be printed as at least 200 copies in order to be accepted as a publication. (Therefore, academic thesis are replicated in at least 200 pieces)
3)- The date of publication is important in matters such as priority, copyright, etc.
4)- Publication can be in a magazine or in a book.
The reason I give this information is to emphasize that the publication titled "Atlantis: Where is the legendary sunken city" of Gedik 1992 must be considered a publication under international rules.
In addition, publishing internet media has emerged today, and most information is posted on their website. I have published:
So to briefly summarize, the subject of Atlantis was published in 1992 in accordance with international publishing principles and every scientific researcher has to accept it. People who oppose the publication should find and present a data or logical error in the writings, which has never been done.
In light of this information, it becomes clear where the ancestors of modern man emerging in Africa 60-70,000 years ago, migrating to South-West-Asia and developed there.

The Begin of Human Civilisation and its relation to the Atlantis History of Platon

There exist many books or articles on Atlantis. All of them have used only one or two aspects of requirements among many requests cited by Platon.

The following article pretends to use all conditions cited by Platon and pinpoints exactly the location of this famous Atlantis civilisation.  

The topic will be dealt in three sections:
In the  first section, the development of human civilisation according to geological and archaeological data will be discussed;
In the second section, the human civilisation according to the data gathered by Platon (Atlantis history) will be given;
In the third section, the both views will be compared with each other and a final conclusion will be drawn.

SECTION 1: The first human being, “Homo faber” evolved ca. 2.5 million years ago in East Africa and spread out from there to other parts of the world. All parts of Asia, Africa and Europe were already populated ca.1.5 million years ago, except the America and Australia continents, where they appeared ca.20.000 and ca.50.000 years ago respectively. The development of human mind started with the making of cutting tools from hard stones ca. 2.5 million years ago; ca 500.000 years ago they could make “fire”; ca. 300.000 years ago they began to entomb the deceased; ca. 30.000 years ago they could hunt with spears and lived in family hordes; ca. 11-12 thousand years ago they passed over from hunter-gatherer life to a sedentary life-style with farming and stock-rising (begin of civilisation); ca 6000 years ago arts and crafts were evolved and they began to live in cities; ca.3000 years ago cities agglomerated to regional states; and today they are forced to build a social life structure at the global scale, because the industrial and technical improvements do away with national or regional borders.
The answer to the question: “when got the first human a cup of hot soup?” is, “ca. 8000 years ago, for they didn’t know any thing of pottery before.”

Summa summarum: The mental abilities of humans are improving with time; the more intelligent they get, the greater the radius of their living spaces and the greater and more complicated their cultural products (motors, computers, satellites, etc.) raising the living-standards of humans.
The archaeological data reveal also that the first civilisation must have started somewhere in Southwest Asia, ca 11-12 thousand years ago. Now let us examine the conditions around this time in this part of the world. The time around 11-12 thousand years ago is the turning-point of the last ice-age period to the warmer climate of our days. During the ice-ages the world was very cold and the world-geography was quite different. (See the map! Which countries are covered with ice sheets? Which parts of the world are deprived of water sheets? E.g. where is Persian Gulf?) Humans could thrive only on very restricted areas. A dense human population could be expected on low levels of great valleys of rivers like Nil, Euphrates-Tigris, Indus, Ganges and Mekong, being situated near to equator. Among them the Euphrates-Tigris valley is the more suitable one, because they had then a more elongated and broadened bed than the others due to the retreat of marine environments to the Indian Ocean and because this add-on part of bed was below the see-level and hence warmer then others. Additionally with a great lake at its lower part with many islands in it. Furthermore this valley was protected against the north winds. Although those valleys were the most suitable places for living during the ice-ages, they were the pure torture places for humans after the ice-periods, because of annually occurring mud and water-floods due to melting of ice sheets on the mountains. With only one exception: No such floods occurred on Nil valley, because its water resources originated from equatorial region, where no thick ice sheets existed!

The climate of the world get warmer and the living environments increased with the retreat of ice-sheets, with only one exceptional place: on the islands of the lake at the lower river bed of Euphrates-Tigris (and on the other hills of this valley, which were transformed into islands, when the sea-level began to rise (ca. 1.5 cm/year) and to refill its older environment, where it was retreated during the ice-ages! Humans living on those islands were confronted with both annually occurring water -and mud floods and with diminishing of their living spaces. Under such stressful conditions, those humans were forced to pass over from “independent” hunter-gatherer life to “an interdependent life, in which, someone built dams against flood, whereas others tries to gather more food to nourish also the dam builders!” This led to specialisation on different jobs and change their services mutually, what is the simplest definition of social life style!

SECTION 2: Platon, regarded as the father of philosophy, tried in his works “Timaios and Kritias”, to explain the development of our world and humanity. Accoring to the knowledge he could gather, the oldest data about the humanity were safeguarded in the temples in Egypt, while in other parts of the world many disastrous floods took place and destroyed all humans with knowledge, no such disastrous floods occurred in Nil valley. Thgreat Greek wise Solon came to know this reality from  some wise Egyptian during his visit in Egypt and transferred it to its friends in Greek. One of them, the grandfather of Kritias transmitted it to his great-grandchild Kritias, who transferred it to Platon.

What are referred in Timaios and Kritias?
1-    9000 years B.C. there was a navigable sea called Atlas at the inner side of a straits, which bordered to a great ocean. (All proper nouns in this history were renamed twice: first by Egyptians, then by Solon)
2-     On the straits-side of this sea was an island called Atlantis, which was greater than Asia and Africa. From this island one could pass to other islands and to the great land around this sea.
3-    The surrounding land was really great with very high mountains. These mountains protected the Atlas sea with its flat land around it from the north winds. This highland stretched out like a tongue into the sea where the straits situated and a big river was on one side.
4-     There was often big mud and water floods, which transported all the valuable earth on the mountain-slopes to the sea, so that only the scaffold of the mountains were later to see.
After glacial-periods, mudflows on mountain slopes are very common.
5-    The flat land around the sea was rectangular with dimensions of ca. 540 x 360 km. The whole plane was surrounded and interwoven with big water canals.
6-    The soils of the land was the best in the world, so that all kinds of plants and vegetable could thrive and so much that animals like elephants were indigenous. Its climate was so favourable that all kinds of spice and fruits (pomegranate, citrus fruits, coconuts, etc.) could grow.
7-    An empire was established in this Atlantis country having influence between the straits on one side and until Egypt and Adriatic on the other side. One day (ca. 11500 years ago) this state attacked with all his forces first  a northerly state, than Egypt.
Tremendous earth quakes and big floods occurred during these events and all were put under ground. Because of very big mud floods, this navigable sea, was not navigable afterwards and turned into a swamp.
Why the Atlantis History of Platon can’t be a fiction or pure invention and must have based on some historic realities?
1.    It starts with the description of a phenomena, called SOLIFLUKTION by geologists:  In earlier times there were often great overflows, whereby huge parts of soils on the flanks of mountains were carried to the sea, so that all mountains looked naked; but in Nil valley no such floods occured! Etc. Those descriptions are matching exactly with the conditions of the referred time (ca.10-12 thousand years ago) deduced from geologic data. It is impossible to invent such a description without experiences.
2.    The first city-states were established (around Basra) by the Sumerians ca. 6000 years ago and the Sumerians pretend “they came from the sea to the two-river-land (Mesopotamia).” In dies case, they must have their origin from an island, which must be drowned down somewhere in Persian Gulf (which can play an intermediate station to earlier drowned islands more southeasterly).
3.    There are inscriptions like “Invasion of sea folks” in the Egyptian temples; consequently not very far form Egypt, there must be a place in any sea, from where those “folks” has to came!
4.    In the “genesis” chapter of Holy Books there is a report from “a garden Eden somewhere in the East. In this garden there were four rivers: Euphrates, Tigris, Gihon and Pishon.” (Two of them are existing today, but the others are unknown!) “God has created the first humans (Adam and Eve) in this garden; Adam and Eve committed a sin and therefore God had punished and expelled them from the garden!” A similar “garden” is described also in Atlantis story and it terminates with the unfinished sentence: “Because the noble lords immoralized and degenerated with time, the Gods decided to punish them and ...”

There are much more arguments indicating that the Atlantis story cannot be a pure fiction. But there are many distortions, inconsistencies and incompatibilities like this: An island (Atlantis) should be greater than Asia and Africa!
Such incompatibilities are the results of verbal deliveries occurring inevitably during many millenniums.
The general director gives the following order to his substitute: “On next Friday ca. at 17.00 hour the Halley comet will be visible in our city, which occurs once in every 76 years. Please lets bring all people together in the garden, I will explain them this rare phenomena. In the case that it may rain so that a direct observation may not possible, lets collect them in the canteen, a film concerning this phenomena will be shown.”
The order of the substitute to his assistants was like this: “On the order of the general direktor: On next Friday ca. at 17.00 hour the Halley comet will be visible in our city. In the case that it may rainy, collect all people in the canteen, this rare phenomena will be demonstrated as it occurs once in every 76 years.”
After a few further oral deliveries, the last announce was as  following: "On friday at 1700 hour, if it will be rainy, the very seldom appearing, 76 year old Mr Halley and his stars will enter the canteen, accompanied by general director."

For this reason that the Atlantis story being delivered many thousand years long only verbally, all data should be re-evaluated in the light of all kind of natural scientific data. E.g.: 10-12 thousand years ago the humanity was unaware of pottery and therefore they were forced to live in close vicinity of water resources. In order to profit from the products of the very broad and fruitful Basra-Hormuz-plain, they had to dig the earth to get the ground water. When the ice-age finished and the annually floods came, they had probably connected those water-wells, to canalise the flood-waters. The mentioned canal-network may interpreted in this manner. The three dams encircling the Atlantis could be interpreted also as preventive measures against water-overflow. Etc.
If we project all data mentioned in Atlantis story on a map, their intersection point will give the position of Atlantis!
1. Elephants are indigenous only in Asia and Africa, all other continents should disregarded.

 2. Coconut, pomegranate and citrus fruits are growing on tropic-subtropic belts; all other belts should overlooked.
3.  A rectangular country of 560 x 340 km, with a high mountain range in the north, with a great navigable sea on one side, where it borders on a straits opening to a great ocean, and with a great river flowing through this country!
There is only one place on the world, fulfilling all those conditions: The Basra-Hormuz-plain of the-14-15 thousand-year-earlier's!

Geography of the Middle-East ca. 15 thousand years ago, with ice-sheets on mountains and a great plain between Hormuz-strait and Basra with a lake near Hormuz strait.

This Atlantis Civilisation migrated to northern countries, which were subpopulated and not developped during ice age as shown in the figure below.